SDA Provider Registration & Investment

The Specialist Disability Accommodation market is part of a 22 billion dollar government funded scheme. Whether you are an existing NDIS provider, an investor, developer or an individual looking at investment properties, there is an opportunity and a piece for every party. Prosper Consulting can streamline the SDA registration process for you.

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Getting Into Specialist Disability Accommodation

NDIS participants with high functional impairment looking for accommodation are eligible for SDA funding to cover the cost of the home the person lives in.


Currently there is a significant supply shortage of SDA approved properties across Australia to meet the demand and government targets, especially in NSW, VIC and QLD. The opportunity to get involved with Specialist Disability Accommodation exists for several parties.

Our expert team can help you navigate and understand the SDA housing landscape, become SDA registered and meet the compliance, design and building standards with confidence.

Backed by experience, we can help you navigate the SDA registration process and property landscape with confidence.

Become An SDA Provider

Prosper Consulting have helped countless companies and individuals with their SDA registration. Leave the heavy lifting from start to finish with us.

sda registration