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Add New NDIS Registration Groups

Are you an existing registered NDIS provider looking to provide additional services? Not sure which registration groups are suitable for your business? Don’t have the time and energy to complete your application and go though the audit process yourself? 


Grow your organisation today with expert advice and support from Prosper Consulting as we handle everything from start to finish.

Book A Free Consultation

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Offer Additional NDIS Services To Your Participants

One of the most effective ways to grow your NDIS business is to add new registration groups and extend the scope of your NDIS registration. In doing so, you can deliver additional services to your existing participants and bill against those services. Furthermore, you open your organisation to a pool of new participants who previously you weren’t able to service.


If you already know the registration groups you wish to add, our team can help submit your application to the NDIS Commission for a variation of registration and prepare you for your audit. If you are unsure which registration groups are suitable for your business, Prosper Consulting’s team of NDIS experts can help assess your organisation’s capability and provide professional advice.

Backed by experience, we have a track record of helping NDIS businesses succeed.

Pass Your NDIS Audit With Confidence

If your organisation is adding mid and high risk registration groups to your existing scope, you may be required to undertake an audit against the NDIS Practice Standards. Rest assured, our team will connect you with an NDIS Approved Auditor and support you throughout the entire audit process from start to finish. You will receive proven policies and procedures and we will be there with you on your audit day.

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